02 June 2009


Quick post to emphasize some of my points.

1. Gay marriage should be legalized or the government should gtfo of the issue.
2. I love capslock.

Initial post:

frank pravda
Tue Apr 28 2009 19:06
How do homosexuals multiply like rabbits without mating the same way. Homosexuals are all over the place in some states. On a bulletin board a female homo advertised that she was lonely and asked for advice about what to do about it. I advised her to obtain professional help for her affliction and soon she would have friends. It turned out that the operators of the board blocked me from the board, searched out where I sent my message from and sent a postal service letter there complaining about me as a person. So you can see what is down the road with what is going on. How about a marriage license for a cattleman who loves his horse - class MH marriage license. And one for the man who loves his lizzard - class ML marriage license. And for the homosexual babies a special stamp on their birth certificate to identify them. This can all come about with the kind of legislatures and governors we now have.

My response:


Maybe the reason the board members turned you in was because you acted completely disrespectful about a person you didn't even know. The fact that you treated her so badly is just mind-boggling. The idea that she doesn't have friends because she's gay is preposterous. Just look at Guy A over there, he doesn't have friends because he doesn't like country music.

"So you can see what is down the road with what is going on. How about a marriage license for a cattleman who loves his horse - class MH marriage license. And one for the man who loves his lizzard - class ML marriage license. And for the homosexual babies a special stamp on their birth certificate to identify them. This can all come about with the kind of legislatures and governors we now have. "

What's down the road seems Orwellian to me. The government has no business getting into people's affairs (Fourth Amendment; Griswold v. Connecticut) and the idea of separation of church and state has been completely forgotten. Marriage is a LEGAL issue. Gay couples are not being LEGALLY recognized in the same ways straight couples are. The entire premise for rejecting gay marriage is because it violates someone's religion. SOMEONE'S. Not everyone's. We're singling out one type of religious belief to discriminate against an entire mass of people.

And just because gays can get married doesn't mean that people can marry their animals. First off, HUMAN RIGHTS, please learn what they are. Gay PEOPLE deserve to be treated LIKE PEOPLE and they should be allowed to have their own cultural traditions, get married, adopt children, etc. Just because YOUR RELIGION says that homosexuality isn't right doesn't mean that EVERYONE believes it, and EVERYONE having to subscribe to ONE idea is exactly what the Founding Fathers were fighting AGAINST (except in England, it was Puritans who were getting persecuted). Two gays getting married is no different than a white man marrying a black woman. Or, according to you, should that be illegal too?

People are just people. What does it matter to you if two people are happy? How does the HAPPINESS OF PEOPLE make you unhappy in ANY WAY? It's irrational and illogical. Once we start going down this route of "We can't allow gay marriage because the Bible says it's wrong...", the Bible also says that working on Sunday is wrong, that taking the Lord's name in vain is wrong, that POLYGAMY AND SLAVERY are fine.

You shouldn't get to pick and choose which parts of the Bible you're going to be fundamentalist about. If you're going to say you want people to adhere to the Bible, then fine. Women then should be considered property, rich, white males should be the only ones allowed to vote, and anyone who works on Sunday should be publicly executed.

THE QUESTION OF GAY MARRIAGE IS A QUESTION OF EQUALITY - NOTHING ELSE. Your churches don't have to marry gay couples if it pisses you off so much, but if other people want to PUBLICLY DECLARE THEIR LOVE, what does it matter to you?

1 comment:

s.x.c said...

I've felt my share of frustration towards Christians and how being saved often leads to pretentiousness. Studying at a University with a very large LGBT population also has its share of campus preachers who would roam around with "God hates fags" signs. Things like that are way too common and it makes me ashamed to call myself a Christian.

But I realize that my frustration is with Christians and not with Christianity. Christ rebuked religious leaders for their pride and the way they labeled people as sinners and would have nothing to do with them. He spent time with the prostitutes that the religious leaders shunned.

But maybe you would disagree. You refer to biblical Christianity as something that would lead to the mistreatment of women, slaves, and minorities. As much as I am frustrated by the false Christianity lived out by Christians today, I am more frustrated by people who are only able to look at this false Christianity and create a stereotype of Christians which is not true. It frustrates me that people understand that it's not okay to disrespect minorities, women, etc.; but somehow it's still okay to bash Christianity and look down on Christians for their beliefs. It frustrates me that I don't feel free to publicly claim Christianity as my faith, because I know there are people that will judge me based on preconceived ideas.

I didn't become passionate about social issues until college, but it was the bible that led me to pursue social justice. You say that the bible makes women into property; but in a time where women would not even have been counted or mentioned in other written histories, the bible honors women as heroes and leaders and mentions them by name: Deborah, Hannah, Esther.. And many more. At first glance its easy to turn biblical women into servants of men, especially when reading things like "women are the helper of man." But if one would look deeper, one would realize that the word 'helper' in the original language is the same word used to describe God as the 'helper' of mankind, not at all making God servile to human beings, but instead intimating a strong support and companionship.

You say that the bible gives privilege to whites, but the bible teaches racial reconciliation. Christ reaches out to the Samaritans who were despised by the Jews; Paul pleads the case of the Gentiles whom the Jews considered unclean. In the book of Acts; Peter has a vision from God in which God corrects him for calling something unclean that God calls clean; and even in the kingdom of God there are people from all nations, tribes, and languages together in unity. God didn't create diversity so that one people group could dominate all others.

People have used the bible to justify mistreatment of other races and to justify slavery, but it's only through the use of scripture for selfish means that these things occur.

I could go on to talk about the issue of slavery and how slavery in the bible is not what you think either, but these aren't the issues I'm really trying to address. People seem to be much too familiar with what Christians are against and not what Christians are for. I'll admit that that's mostly the fault of the church today and how it makes itself most visible. But if you want to criticize Christians concerning the issue of homosexuality, it would make more sense to bring up what they're supposed to be rather than bringing up issues of injustice. Christians believe in love, compassion, humility, and grace: all things that are forgotten when people are treated as if they are less than human.

Something that I've realized though, is that if there were ever a perfect Christian or perfect church, Christianity would be false. The starting point of the message of Christ is that nobody can ever measure up to God's standards. A true Christian is someone who recognizes their own imperfection. It's impossible to expect Christians to never mess up, and so the message of Christianity should not be judged by the actions of Christians but by looking at Christ.