21 November 2008

Collegian training, nail paint and relationships

I freakin' love blogging. You wouldn't be able to tell from my oh so frequent posts, of course, but I really do.
So life's been fun lately. I've gone through some downs. Actually I've gone through lots of downs (I maintain that it could have been much worse, though) and I'm very grateful that I'm so lucky to have great people with me. To my best friend and cousin, Karen: I love you so freaking much. In all our crazy phone mis-conversations and what not. I think the real solution to this recent blargh-ity feeling would be locking ourselves in the bathroom and having a good, long talk. Just like when we were little! :D

As if I didn't have enough on my plate, I added a second job! I'm in training for it right now and it's an experience so far. I've made new discoveries regarding my personal interests, strengths, and motivations for life, for school, and for play. There's just so much to sponge up, I hope my brain can take it! The experience here as a member of the creative team hopefully will be useful in a career sense. If not, I suppose I'm strengthening my time management muscle. : /

I love the weekend as much as the next person, but I never really "lived for the weekend". Nowadays? Definitely living for the weekend. Each week, I look at this calendar printout and the time slots are ALL FILLED IN. Even then, I barely have time to finish reading all these novels.
Who else finds is strange to go from reading a novel for an Asian history class to reading a sci-fi novel? I wonder what my brain looks like when it switches modes.

Asian history.
Martian colonies.
Khmer Rouge.
Human versus machine.
Refugee camp brutality in gruesome detail.
Totally ridiculous.

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20 November 2008

Si, se puede.

Guys, guys, all two of you out on Mars who are reading, this comes a little late, but regardless, I wanted to let you guys know that national pride doesn't falter often. And I'm so proud of our country for electing Barack Obama. You know, there'll be tons of naysayers out there who'll say that he's a socialist (which, come on, we do have a Socialist party in the US, though it's been long dormant, and if he was, he'd totally run under that banner) and that he's not doing enough to help fix the country. Blah, blah, blah, we haven't gotten to that point yet. Or have we?

Being in college, I try not to waste time that could be spent sleeping or studying or eating, but this ultimately proves to be a failed venture. So, as a college student, one of my Firefox staples is Facebook. Yes, yes, let's espouse how much it wastes our time and is pointless, but I use it nonetheless. And Bumper Sticker? That annoying application? Why, yes, I use that too. And when I was browsing through groups and random other things, I've noticed a trend.

There are about a handful to a dozen Facebook groups calling for Barack Obama's impeachment. His impeachment, ladies and gents. Let's--let's take a minute here to let this fully sink in. A president-elect, a man who has a good two months before being inaugurated is going to be the subject of an impeachment hearing by the Senate (or so some people hope). A president-elect. Can we just repeat those words over and over again like a mantra for the stupid? He's a fucking PRESIDENT-ELECT. What could he possibly have done in the two weeks or so that he's not yet held office to have pissed off so many members of the American people in such a way that requires their response and pleas to Congress for his impeachment? Is it the fact that he's young? Black? May have sex with his wife on a regular basis? (Seriously, that warranted a Huffington Post article because apparently, presidents are very asexual and old, and the fact that he may have sex with Michelle more than once a year like the Carters did is, you know, distressing to all those political analysts.) Let me reiterate: WHAT COULD HE POSSIBLY HAVE DONE IN THIS PERIOD OF POSSESSING NO POWER TO HAVE BROUGHT ON THE WRATH OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE?


Let's not go any further before I give myself an aneurysm.

In other news, you should check out IOUSA. It's directed by Patrick Creadon, who is responsible for the documentary piece, Wordplay, that came out a while back. It mainly focuses on these economists and such in a way to explain the economic fate of the country in simple layman's terms so that we can all understand how fucked we are. And in terms of fuckage, my age group? My demographic? Be prepared to be fucked worse than the generation that's paying for us now.

If you have time, they have a Facebook group (the movie does) where you can watch a quick 30 minute bit. But I'd wait for it to come out on DVD and watch it in its full glory. Honestly, as one of those socially anxious neurotic people, it freaked me the hell out to the point where paranoia does not cover the grand scheme of my reaction. But it's very informative, to say the least, and uses graphs and economists.

And as a parting note, I'd like to note that all this economic fuckwittage occurred in EIGHT YEARS. So those of you who are bitching about Obama being a Clinton Clone (as you call it) economically, socially, etc. etc., let me just stick this in here: that would be great for the country. Grrrrrrrrrreat. (Even Tony the Tiger espouses Clinton.) Because Clinton was the only president in the history of the United States to ever achieve an economic surplus. From balancing the budget.

Quick sound bite from the movie:

"Everyone hates to hear the term 'raising taxes.' It's a political campaign-killer. But as an economist, I'm just telling you right now, there's no way for us to climb out of this hole without raising taxes."

Yep. So the whole "tax-and-spend Democrats" label? At least we're covering our asses when we spend money for things. Unlike the "slash-and-spend Repubs."

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