30 June 2009

Before LGBTQ Pride Month ends, I would just like to address one common issue that people have with arguing against gay marriage. People who argue against gay marriage often cite the Founding Fathers and their inherent morality.

Meet Thomas Jefferson, motherfuckers.

"...that our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions, more than on ours in physic or geometry; that, therefore, the proscribing any citizen as unworthy the public confidence, by laying upon him an incapacity of being called to offices of trust and emolument (DADT), unless he profess or renounce this or that religious opinion, is depriving him injuriously of those privileges and advantages to which in common with his fellow-citizens he has a natural right (gay marriage and the idea of "faith" with politicians); tends also to corrupt the principles of that very religion it is meant to encourage, by bribing with a monopoly of worldly honors and emoluments those who will externally conform to it...; that is suffer the civil magistrate to intrude his powers into the field of opinion, and to restrain that profession or propagation of principles on supposition of their ill tendency, is a dangerous fallacy which at once destroys all religious liberty, because he, being of course judge of that tendency, will make his opinions the rule of judgment, and approve or condemn the sentiment of others, only as they shall agree with or differ from his own.


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16 June 2009

And Iran, Iran so far away, couldn't get away.

I'm going to make this short.

"Ahmadinejad called us dust; we showed him a sandstorm."

Twitter has brought out the most poetic things, poetic in its utter sadness. There is so much violence going on in Iran right now, so many people who are live-posting to the Western world their need for freedom, their acceptance of the fact that they are willing to die if it means a better life for another family member. This is INSANE.

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about who is reading those examples of courage. People in Iran are using illegal proxies (as the government has pretty much shut everything down) to twitter on their cell phones messages IN BETWEEN GUNSHOTS. IN. BETWEEN. GUNSHOTS. Can we in the United States truly grasp what that means? Students were hauled out of bed at 5 am and either detained, taken to prison, or killed. But they still keep fighting.

My whole problem is not what Iran and the people are sending, but how we, as young Americans, are receiving. The political apathy, the utter lack of awareness is startling. In example, I provide my Facebook page.


My outrage, let me show you it. Thank god for Twitter and for informed Americans because the power we exert? It is kind of mighty. Sure, it's not without its faults nor is it infallible, but the fact that Twitter got ahold of the story before CNN, continues to report on things worth more journalistically than CNN (who juxtaposed the story of the happenings in Iran with the election and, um, a cheeseburger in a can), and continues to try and influence the way mainstream media (or, as us in the know like to call it, MSM) with our own small presence.

Iran is about more than an election. It is about a nation trying to equate its people's wants with what the government refuses to give up. It's going to be struggle. It's already turned violent. It's already turned bloody. What's the least we could do? Pay them some fucking attention, maybe?

I leave you with this - one powerful picture and one powerful twitter. Do something with your American status. Twitter. INFORM PEOPLE. Don't just stand by quietly.

"NextRevolution: i realize now i do not fear death... i fear my daughter will not be free when i die #gr88 #IranElection #tehran"

Make a difference in someone's life. In a COUNTRY'S life.

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02 June 2009


Quick post to emphasize some of my points.

1. Gay marriage should be legalized or the government should gtfo of the issue.
2. I love capslock.

Initial post:

frank pravda
Tue Apr 28 2009 19:06
How do homosexuals multiply like rabbits without mating the same way. Homosexuals are all over the place in some states. On a bulletin board a female homo advertised that she was lonely and asked for advice about what to do about it. I advised her to obtain professional help for her affliction and soon she would have friends. It turned out that the operators of the board blocked me from the board, searched out where I sent my message from and sent a postal service letter there complaining about me as a person. So you can see what is down the road with what is going on. How about a marriage license for a cattleman who loves his horse - class MH marriage license. And one for the man who loves his lizzard - class ML marriage license. And for the homosexual babies a special stamp on their birth certificate to identify them. This can all come about with the kind of legislatures and governors we now have.

My response:


Maybe the reason the board members turned you in was because you acted completely disrespectful about a person you didn't even know. The fact that you treated her so badly is just mind-boggling. The idea that she doesn't have friends because she's gay is preposterous. Just look at Guy A over there, he doesn't have friends because he doesn't like country music.

"So you can see what is down the road with what is going on. How about a marriage license for a cattleman who loves his horse - class MH marriage license. And one for the man who loves his lizzard - class ML marriage license. And for the homosexual babies a special stamp on their birth certificate to identify them. This can all come about with the kind of legislatures and governors we now have. "

What's down the road seems Orwellian to me. The government has no business getting into people's affairs (Fourth Amendment; Griswold v. Connecticut) and the idea of separation of church and state has been completely forgotten. Marriage is a LEGAL issue. Gay couples are not being LEGALLY recognized in the same ways straight couples are. The entire premise for rejecting gay marriage is because it violates someone's religion. SOMEONE'S. Not everyone's. We're singling out one type of religious belief to discriminate against an entire mass of people.

And just because gays can get married doesn't mean that people can marry their animals. First off, HUMAN RIGHTS, please learn what they are. Gay PEOPLE deserve to be treated LIKE PEOPLE and they should be allowed to have their own cultural traditions, get married, adopt children, etc. Just because YOUR RELIGION says that homosexuality isn't right doesn't mean that EVERYONE believes it, and EVERYONE having to subscribe to ONE idea is exactly what the Founding Fathers were fighting AGAINST (except in England, it was Puritans who were getting persecuted). Two gays getting married is no different than a white man marrying a black woman. Or, according to you, should that be illegal too?

People are just people. What does it matter to you if two people are happy? How does the HAPPINESS OF PEOPLE make you unhappy in ANY WAY? It's irrational and illogical. Once we start going down this route of "We can't allow gay marriage because the Bible says it's wrong...", the Bible also says that working on Sunday is wrong, that taking the Lord's name in vain is wrong, that POLYGAMY AND SLAVERY are fine.

You shouldn't get to pick and choose which parts of the Bible you're going to be fundamentalist about. If you're going to say you want people to adhere to the Bible, then fine. Women then should be considered property, rich, white males should be the only ones allowed to vote, and anyone who works on Sunday should be publicly executed.

THE QUESTION OF GAY MARRIAGE IS A QUESTION OF EQUALITY - NOTHING ELSE. Your churches don't have to marry gay couples if it pisses you off so much, but if other people want to PUBLICLY DECLARE THEIR LOVE, what does it matter to you?

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